
联合国发布2022世界人口数据 十大世界人口最多的国家 2022世界人口排名表

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  • 根据联合国发布的《2022年世界人口展望》报告,截至2022年7月1日,世界人口最多的国家为中国,人口达14.26亿;印度人口数量紧随其后,达14.17亿;美国人口数量排名第三,为3.38亿。报告还预测,印度将在2023年超过中国,成为世界上人口最多的国家。

排名 国家 Country 人口数量(千)
1 中国 China 1425887.337
2 印度 India 1417173.173
3 美国 United States of America 338289.857
4 印度尼西亚 Indonesia 275501.339
5 巴基斯坦 Pakistan 235824.862
6 尼日利亚 Nigeria 218541.212
7 巴西 Brazil 215313.498
8 孟加拉国 Bangladesh 171186.372
9 俄罗斯 Russian Federation 144713.314
10 墨西哥 Mexico 127504.125
区域/国家/地区 人口数量(千)
WORLD 7975105.156
Sub-Saharan Africa 1166766.359
Northern Africa and Western Asia 553690.051
Central and Southern Asia 2084589.545
Eastern and South-Eastern Asia 2344325.113
Latin America and the Caribbean 660269.074
Oceania (excluding Australia and New Zealand) 13675.851
Australia/New Zealand 31362.702
Europe and Northern America 1120426.461
More developed regions 1275740.855
Less developed regions 6699364.3
Least developed countries 1125179.449
Less developed regions, excluding least developed countries 5574184.851
Less developed regions, excluding China 5241399.536
Land-locked Developing Countries (LLDC) 563804.524
Small Island Developing States (SIDS) 74363.413
High-income countries 1250514.607
Middle-income countries 5958018.581
Upper-middle-income countries 2525921.306
Lower-middle-income countries 3432097.274
Low-income countries 737604.962
No income group available 28967.006
AFRICA 1426736.305
Eastern Africa 473004.847
Burundi 12889.576
Comoros 836.774
Djibouti 1120.849
Eritrea 3684.032
Ethiopia 123379.924
Kenya 54027.487
Madagascar 29611.714
Malawi 20405.317
Mauritius 1299.469
Mayotte 326.101
Mozambique 32969.518
Réunion 974.052
Rwanda 13776.698
Seychelles 107.118
Somalia 17597.511
South Sudan 10913.164
Uganda 47249.585
United Republic of Tanzania 65497.748
Zambia 20017.675
Zimbabwe 16320.537
Middle Africa 196077.897
Angola 35588.987
Cameroon 27914.536
Central African Republic 5579.144
Chad 17723.315
Congo 5970.424
Democratic Republic of the Congo 99010.212
Equatorial Guinea 1674.908
Gabon 2388.992
Sao Tome and Principe 227.38
Northern Africa 259969.946
Algeria 44903.225
Egypt 110990.103
Libya 6812.341
Morocco 37457.971
Sudan 46874.204
Tunisia 12356.117
Western Sahara 575.986
Southern Africa 68598.69
Botswana 2630.296
Eswatini 1201.67
Lesotho 2305.825
Namibia 2567.012
South Africa 59893.885
Western Africa 429084.925
Benin 13352.864
Burkina Faso 22673.762
Cabo Verde 593.149
Côte d'Ivoire 28160.542
Gambia 2705.992
Ghana 33475.87
Guinea 13859.341
Guinea-Bissau 2105.566
Liberia 5302.681
Mali 22593.59
Mauritania 4736.139
Niger 26207.977
Nigeria 218541.212
Saint Helena 5.374
Senegal 17316.449
Sierra Leone 8605.718
Togo 8848.699
ASIA 4722634.764
Central Asia 77039.831
Kazakhstan 19397.998
Kyrgyzstan 6630.623
Tajikistan 9952.787
Turkmenistan 6430.77
Uzbekistan 34627.652
Eastern Asia 1663200.049
China 1425887.337
China, Hong Kong SAR 7488.865
China, Macao SAR 695.168
China, Taiwan Province of China 23893.394
Dem. People's Republic of Korea 26069.416
Japan 123951.692
Mongolia 3398.366
Republic of Korea 51815.81
Southern Asia 2007549.714
Afghanistan 41128.771
Bangladesh 171186.372
Bhutan 782.455
India 1417173.173
Iran (Islamic Republic of) 88550.57
Maldives 523.787
Nepal 30547.58
Pakistan 235824.862
Sri Lanka 21832.143
South-Eastern Asia 681125.064
Brunei Darussalam 449.002
Cambodia 16767.842
Indonesia 275501.339
Lao People's Democratic Republic 7529.475
Malaysia 33938.221
Myanmar 54179.306
Philippines 115559.009
Singapore 5975.689
Thailand 71697.03
Timor-Leste 1341.296
Viet Nam 98186.856
Western Asia 293720.106
Armenia 2780.469
Azerbaijan 10358.074
Bahrain 1472.233
Cyprus 1251.488
Georgia 3744.385
Iraq 44496.122
Israel 9038.309
Jordan 11285.869
Kuwait 4268.873
Lebanon 5489.739
Oman 4576.298
Qatar 2695.122
Saudi Arabia 36408.82
State of Palestine 5250.072
Syrian Arab Republic 22125.249
Türkiye 85341.241
United Arab Emirates 9441.129
Yemen 33696.614
EUROPE 743555.765
Eastern Europe 289626.115
Belarus 9534.954
Bulgaria 6781.953
Czechia 10493.986
Hungary 9967.308
Poland 39857.145
Republic of Moldova 3272.996
Romania 19659.267
Russian Federation 144713.314
Slovakia 5643.453
Ukraine 39701.739
Northern Europe 106550.072
Denmark 5882.261
Estonia 1326.062
Faroe Islands 53.09
Finland 5540.745
Guernsey 63.301
Iceland 372.899
Ireland 5023.109
Isle of Man 84.519
Jersey 110.778
Latvia 1850.651
Lithuania 2750.055
Norway 5434.319
Sweden 10549.347
United Kingdom 67508.936
Southern Europe 151759.679
Albania 2842.321
Andorra 79.824
Bosnia and Herzegovina 3233.526
Croatia 4030.358
Gibraltar 32.649
Greece 10384.971
Holy See 0.51
Italy 59037.474
Kosovo (under UNSC res. 1244) 1659.714
Malta 533.286
Montenegro 627.082
North Macedonia 2093.599
Portugal 10270.865
San Marino 33.66
Serbia 7221.365
Slovenia 2119.844
Spain 47558.63
Western Europe 195619.899
Austria 8939.617
Belgium 11655.93
France 64626.628
Germany 83369.843
Liechtenstein 39.327
Luxembourg 647.599
Monaco 36.469
Netherlands 17564.014
Switzerland 8740.472
Caribbean 44392.107
Anguilla 15.857
Antigua and Barbuda 93.763
Aruba 106.445
Bahamas 409.984
Barbados 281.635
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba 27.026
British Virgin Islands 31.305
Cayman Islands 68.706
Cuba 11212.191
Curaçao 191.163
Dominica 72.737
Dominican Republic 11228.821
Grenada 125.438
Guadeloupe 395.752
Haiti 11584.996
Jamaica 2827.377
Martinique 367.507
Montserrat 4.39
Puerto Rico 3252.407
Saint Barthélemy 10.967
Saint Kitts and Nevis 47.657
Saint Lucia 179.857
Saint Martin (French part) 31.791
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 103.948
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) 44.175
Trinidad and Tobago 1531.044
Turks and Caicos Islands 45.703
United States Virgin Islands 99.465
Central America 179060.359
Belize 405.272
Costa Rica 5180.829
El Salvador 6336.392
Guatemala 17843.908
Honduras 10432.86
Mexico 127504.125
Nicaragua 6948.392
Panama 4408.581
South America 436816.607
Argentina 45510.318
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) 12224.11
Brazil 215313.498
Chile 19603.733
Colombia 51874.024
Ecuador 18001
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) 3.78
French Guiana 304.557
Guyana 808.726
Paraguay 6780.744
Peru 34049.588
Suriname 618.04
Uruguay 3422.794
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) 28301.696
Bermuda 64.184
Canada 38454.327
Greenland 56.466
Saint Pierre and Miquelon 5.862
United States of America 338289.857
OCEANIA 45038.552
Australia/New Zealand 31362.702
Australia 26177.413
New Zealand 5185.288
Melanesia 12413.348
Fiji 929.766
New Caledonia 289.95
Papua New Guinea 10142.619
Solomon Islands 724.273
Vanuatu 326.74
Micronesia 539.013
Guam 171.774
Kiribati 131.232
Marshall Islands 41.569
Micronesia (Fed. States of) 114.164
Nauru 12.668
Northern Mariana Islands 49.551
Palau 18.055
Polynesia 723.49
American Samoa 44.273
Cook Islands 17.011
French Polynesia 306.279
Niue 1.934
Samoa 222.382
Tokelau 1.871
Tonga 106.858
Tuvalu 11.312
Wallis and Futuna Islands 11.572
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